Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fix the mama ... Fix the baby!

I'm afraid that Charlie's body clock is being reset with mine (since he is nursing).  The last few days he has woken up with me just as the pre-sunlight has begun chasing the night away.  This morning I set up a lawn chair just inside the gate and watched the sunrise while I nursed him.  Amelia was standing inside the front door waiting for us when we came back inside.  It would appear that the sacred "alone time" I boasted of a few posts ago may have been a myth.  Haha, we'll see if it continues or not over the coming days.

My mom always told me that if you want to fix the baby, fix the mama.  Little did I know that she was actually talking about ...ME.  Who would have guessed, hee hee.  My mom is such a smart woman!  Little Charlie is AMAZING, I'm pretty sure he inherited that from his daddy.  His colon was not so amazing...I'm pretty sure he inherited that from me.  Just an example, he was having regular bowel movements every 7 to 10 days with no problems.  Not exactly ideal, but he was never really moody or ornery, so it was hard to call it a problem.  About the same time that I started this wake up with the sun challenge I also began taking a "lactation formula" from Dr. Christopher.  A good friend explained that it is not just for people who have trouble producing milk, it is designed to support the mothers in producing quality milk for the babies without robbing from the mother to give to the baby.  I like keeping my calcium etc. where I stored it in my bones and teeth, so taking this formula made a whole lot of sense to me.  He is now going 3 times per day, like clock work...I'm not so sure I like this either, haha.  Healthy baby verses happy mom, who doesn't have to change poopy diapers...hmmm, which one weighs more on the scales?

So, did resetting my body clock reset his clock and help his colon to finish developing or was it the lactation formula?  What do you think?

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