Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Rescue Remedy Pastilles (for stress and anxiety relief)

Let me just say A..MA...ZING!!!  I just had a torturous hour long phone call settling some financial confusion and as I sat numb in my chair, head swirling, jaw clenching, neck tightening, shoulders aching, spine tensing, my eyes glided randomly to a yellow tin stuffed on a shelf (hidden from a sweet little girl who thinks it is candy).  "Hmmmmm, I wonder..." I say to myself as I pop a lozenge into my mouth.  BAMMMM!  Instant relief!!! I feel focused, less tense, and happier.

It's called "Rescue Remedy," and that's just what this lipstick flavored, button looking thing did for me, it was the remedy that rescued me from the anguish and despair that phone call had brought me to.  I feel like I can be a better mom in this moment because I don't have to turn the frustration of that phone call around onto my sweet, innocent children.

It comes in a yellow tin (as shown above) and you can buy it at just about any health food store (sprouts included).  It is a homeopathic remedy, part of the "Bach Flower" family, so it works on a frequency level.  Click here to see the actual Bach website and description (They even have it in a gum form, I need to go shopping! haha).  A good rule of thumb...store it away from electronic devices and it will remain more potent.  Another thing to know about it is that more is not necessarily better.  You could eat 1 or 10 and it would have the same effect, but if you dissolve 1 in a bottle of water and sip it throughout the day you will get more benefit from it than you would if you just took 1 once, because it is like having a drip tube and you get continued doses.

Although you can buy it from any health food store, the online price is usually better so here are 2 sites that I found in my 2-second Google search:
 Swanson vitamins (this is where I usually go to buy it because they have so many good products and you can almost always find additional coupons to use at checkout and Vitacost.com

Buy a few tins of these and put them in convenient locations around your house or office and the next time your life gets extra emotional or stressful pop one in and see if you enjoy the same instant relief that I did!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my sister Ilene!!!  I forget my own birthday, and even my kids birthdays (although I was definitely there for them)...but I have never forgotten Ilene's, haha.


  1. I'll have to try these!

    By the way, I always remember the 14th of July.

    1. I finally figured out how to reply, haha. It was good to see you on the 14th! Good ole' Bastille day, hee, hee, hee.
