On a recent trip to Utah, AJ and I listened to a book on tape (CD, haha) called "The Slight Edge." It talks about how really successful people are those people who can "Master the mundane things in life." They are talking about everyday things that have to be done all the time...the really boring things that seem endless, like washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, washing the laundry, etc,. Even before we heard this CD we were attempting to do this by creating a chart of things to do before bed and first thing in the morning. Many of you were probably raised with a similar chore chart. How many of us are constantly striving to survive the mundane tasks of life?
After being forced to watch the classic movie "Gone With the Wind," AJ compared me to Scarlet O'Hara, saying that I am similar to her with my passion for life and undying determination to succeed at whatever I undertake. I hope I'm not too much like her, because she wasn't very nice to people when she wanted something and they stood in the way. The good news is that I married for love the first time and won't have to go through 3 men to figure out that what I have wanted all along is right in front of me, haha. The take home lesson is that when he said that it made me think about what I can do to be more successful with this challenge. I have to master the mundane parts of it. I believe that if I can master it, or make it second nature I will be successful, and it will give me the keys that I need to be successful at the next challenges that come my way.

If you have any ideas on how I can "Master the Mundane" of this water challenge, please leave your comments below. If you are doing the challenge with me I would love to hear how you are doing!
Great post!! Jeanne, you're awesomeeeeee!!! Once we are unpacked, mastering the mundane is my next task. FOR TWO WHOLE YEARS! And I couldn't be more excited about it. Thanks for sharing this info!!