According to Kathy Duvall and Christine Christensen of The Academy of Foot Zone Therapy (training manuals) here is a breakdown of the days and the governing entities:
- Sunday: pituitary gland, cerebellum, eyes and ears (third eye chakra: indigo)
- Monday: thymus, heart, diaphragm, lungs, shoulders (heart chakra: green)
- Tuesday: thyroid, parathyroids, spine throat, bronchial tubes, larynx, tongue, salivary glands, and vocal cords (throat chakra: Blue)
- Wednesday: pineal gland. cerebrum, hypothalamus, brain stem (crown chakra: violet)
- Thursday: solar plexus, pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, kidneys, liver and spleen (solar plexus chakra: yellow)
- Friday: uterus, prostate, testes, ovaries, bladder, rectum, small intestine, colon, appendix, illeocecal valve, sciatica, hips and duodenum (sacral chakra: orange)
- Saturday: adrenals, circulatory system, arms, legs, feet, bones (general), immune system and torso (base chakra: red)
From this the following schedule was designed for people with chronic disease (8 zones in 11 weeks):
Master Reset Series
- Friday (The series beginends on a Friday)
- Saturday (8 days later)
- Thursday (12 days later)
- Monday (11 days later)
- Tuesday (8 days later)
- Wednesday (8 days later)
- Sunday (11 days later)
- Friday (12 days later)
It is very particular and needs to be done on the exact day, beginning and ending with Friday...but a few variations can be made if ABSOLUTELY necessary. The less you stray, the better...but what I have found is that as long as you never go more than 14 days between treatments and hit every day of the week it is still good. (good, better, best). It is good to "try" to follow the schedule, it is better to mostly follow the schedule, and it is best to follow the schedule exactly.
I have seen enough evidence that I believe in this theory. I cannot say for sure if each of these items governs on this particular day (Tuesday: Thyroid, etc.) but I do believe that they go in this exact order (thyroid one day, pineal gland the next, solar plexus the next etc.) So, based on that belief, I offer a second series called:
The Body Balance Series
It is simply 1 zone every 8 days starting on whatever day you feel like starting. 8 zones in 8 weeks and no matter what governing each day...we get it all.
When someone finishes the Master Reset Series I like to keep them on the body balance series until they get the results they were looking for. We have seen big things happen in peoples lives while following this program.
I usually offer pretty rock bottom prices for people who commit to a series, so be sure to ask me about series pricing.
P.s. did you notice our new favicon (favorite icon) at the top of your screen? We went back and forth between blue and orange. Maybe we will randomly switch to see if anyone notices besides us.
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