Sunday, April 13, 2014

What is it to be Healthy?

When your life goal is to be healthy and to inspire those around you be as healthy as possible, you need to know a thing or two about the subject.  I just happen to be the youngest of 8. That's EIGHT children.  You got it, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven kids BEFORE me at my house growing up.  Now if I didn't learn a thing or two about health from that better just stop reading right now.

"Publish blog post"

Hee, hee, hee.  Alright, I learned more than a thing or two there and I have learned heaps more of other aplicable things other places too.   Over time I hope to share many of those things with you and  your friends and family or others who may be interested too.  First, I would like to know what you believe it means to be healthy.  According to "google" it is the state of being free from illness or injury.  To me it means that I will be free to move, think, and feel as my body was intended to do; the way I see young kids on the playground moving. I want to live in a way that my body will not need to remind me, through aches and pains, that it is here or that something is out of balance.

I believe that we can all live this way.  I have seen many people do drastic things over the years to achieve a healthy body, but I believe that it takes small steps everyday to get there.  "Small steps" that's funny coming from someone who works on feet all day, haha.

As I was teaching a foot zoning class a few days ago it came to my attention that I am not living all the things that I teach.  What would my life be like if I committed to "practice what I preach"? I mean right here, right now.  I've done all of these things individually for short amounts of time, but what would happen if I started combining them?  Well...let's embark on a bloggers journal and find out.

Tomorrow I would like to take the first "small step" in taking responsibility for my own health and practicing what I preach.  In a few days I will come up with a cool name for this challenge and I will ask others to think about joining me.  For now, I will commit to curious readers...Tomorrow morning I will wake up before the sun and I will be outside, breathing the fresh air, as the sun makes its entrance into my world.

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