Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What I do for Teething

What do I do for Teething?

Recently a friend asked me what I do for teething.  It made me so excited to be able to share what I have learned that I realized others might like to know this information too.  We definitely have some pretty good solutions for teething.  So, here they are, along with my favorite websites to research more or order them through.  (I do not benefit at all from people following these links, I just want you to be able to find the help that I have been able to find). 

#1 Kid-e-Col: 

This is what I call magic in a bottle.  When I am zoning and Charlie gets a little fussy (usually because he is ready to eat) we just put a drop of this on his binky and he is golden for another 5 to 15 minutes.  It is made up of Fennel and Catnip.  It is AMAZING for gas (designed for colic) but also makes babies forget about teething pain.  I like to learn more about this and other great "Dr. Christopher" products at 


#2 Hylander Teething Tablets:

(It's funny, I've always called these this name, but it is really Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets).

INCREDIBLE!!! Taste one, you can't tell that they are doing anything spectacular, they just taste like a sweet sugar pill, but it calms the baby down instantly and helps them to go right to sleep.

You can get it from your local health food store but the best deal I have ever found is usually at and if you do a little google search before you can usually get a coupon.

#3 Kid-e-Calc:

Speeds the teething process along.  This Calcium Formula gives your child the extra calcium that they need to help form healthy bones and teeth.  It cuts teething down from weeks to days.  You can purchase it from the Dr. Christophers website listed with Kid-e-Col or you can look at

#4 Clove Oil: 

Originally I thought that this would be a bad idea because clove is generally a hot oil. Then I talked to my husband who happens to know something about teeth. It made sense that if you use clove it will numb the area. Historically this oil has been used by dentists for years and it has been a common natural remedy numbing the gums. Other oils can be used as well to soothe the baby such as Lavender, Serenity, Balance or even Citrus Bliss. You can read more about essential oils or order by clicking here: 

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! Your posts look awesome. Loving the blog :) Annnnnd following. BAM.
