Thursday, May 1, 2014

Barter and Trade with Foot Zone Therapy!

Being a foot Zone Therapist has blessed me and my family in more ways than I can even try to count.  I know some of you are considering learning it at some point and I think you will love it too!  One of my favorite benefits of knowing Foot Zone Therapy is that I now have a "trade."  That used to mean something totally different to me.  When someone goes to a "trade school,"  I just considered it a specialized school; but now, since becoming a foot zoner, it has a completely new meaning to me.  People who have a "trade," can actually "trade" their services or knowledge for the things or services that they are in need of.

I have been able to trade it for house repairs, dog training, baby sitting, food, pluming, electrical work, doggie boarding (kennel), a vitamix blender! hair cuts, house sitting, essential oils, and many more things.  Thanks to one of my amazing students, I was tipped onto an easy system to keep track of the trade...  by placing a monetary value on each service and "paying" for it with pretend money.  I worked for hours on the computer to make up some cute "Sweet Feet Massage" money samples then I saw that hers were a simple picture taped to the front of real money and photo copied...that is much faster.

Anyway, it has come to my attention that my husband really needs a truck...He has been using my mini van "as a truck" when he goes on boy scout campouts once per month and after the last trip I am putting my stubborn foot down in protection of my minivan "child."  So, we are now in the market for a truck...but, being in Dental school, we are not exactly "flushed" with extra I am open to a trade if you or someone you know is interested in trading their awesome truck for a years worth of services or a free class.    When I figure out how to do it I will add a page to the website that shows the items for barter/ keep checking in.

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