Thursday, May 8, 2014

Whiter Teeth and Leg Cramp Relief

 People seem to be having a lot of leg cramps these days, and when they ask me what I would do, if it were me, here is my response:
Eat more bananas, Hee, Hee, Hee, (for potassium).  More seriously, if that doesn't work, rub Lobelia tincture (in a base of Alcohol or vinegar, follow this link to learn more) onto your legs (It relaxes the muscles and is also very good for kids growing pains and about a million other things).  If that doesn't work, take a dose of Marine Minerals (Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals, click on the name to follow a link to it).  It is surprisingly fast acting and has many other benefits.

I remember my sister, Ilene, using Marine Minerals when I was a little girl.  She was in track and field in high school and I don't know why she did this, but she would stand in front of the mirror (religiously) every night and squirt about a teaspoon worth of the salty liquid directly on her teeth, then she would swish it around her mouth and SWALLOW it.  She did this continuously for a really long time (at least a year, and to someone in middle school, that is a really, really long time!).  It seems like she started because she had cavities and wanted to see if she could repair them without the dentist, but I really can't remember...and she is sleeping right now, or I would call to verify.  I can tell you that the end results were AMAZING!  Our of 8 children, she had the most healthy teeth; strong. white as white could be and no cavities for YEARS.  Genetically we all had terrible teeth, and in middle school she was right there with us, but she was able to turn poor teeth into very healthy teeth by consistently doing this night time ritual (with regular brushing).

I tried to do it several times but would get distracted and forget after a few weeks.  I still keep a bottle around and swish with it every time I have a tooth ache.  It numbs the pain (after directing a moment of excruciating agony because it's literally like pouring salt into a wound) and gets me back on my feet.  I always get motivated about 2 weeks before a dental check up because I figure that if there is even a tiny chance that it can re-mineralize the teeth (heal cavities) then I am willing to give it a try.

So, check out the Marine Minerals Website.  They have some other fantastic products also.  Specifically... FM (female corrective supplement that works miracles for girls going through that time of month etc.) and Stress Free (My mothers secret weapon against teenagers).  Remember that I do not profit from you buying any of these products, but if you do, leave me a comment below to let me know how it works for you.  That will be my reward.

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