Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Foot Zoning and Home Made Ranch Dressing

Another successful class just finished.  I am so excited for new foot zoners in the area!  Everyone did such a good job working on their first clients at the end of the class.  It was fun to see how each student seemed to be going at the same pace as all the other students.  I'm not sure I have ever had another class so in sync with each other.
We had a group dinner and I brought salad with my mom's homemade ranch dressing and everyone wanted the recipe so here it is: (Baker is my maiden name, and the reason I went to culinary school)

Homemade Baker Ranch Dressing with Buttermilk

1 cup Mayonnaise
1 cup Buttermilk
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Parsley, dried
1/4 tsp Dill Weed, dried
1/8 to 1/4 tsp Kosher Salt

Combine all ingredients and enjoy.  I make the mix in my Tupperware shaker bottle and measure the buttermilk in to the 1 cup mark then plop mayonnaise in until the buttermilk reaches the 2 cup mark.  That way I don't have to dirty any measuring cups.  My mom never actually measures anything and it turns out a little different every time, but these are the measurements that I have tried and tested and like the most.

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