Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Water Filter that Saved My Life

Over the past week we have had many people at our house for various reasons and everyone inevitably seems to ask what the big silver, space age looking thing in our kitchen is... and how appropriate that I get bombarded with this question when I am in the middle of a Water Challenge because it is our water filter.  A quick story...when I was 10 my family moved from the city to the country where we switched from chlorinated city water to mineral rich well water...and to a high spirited young whippersnapper, like me, the water had the flavor of blood, so what did I naturally do?  I stopped drinking water all together.  My mom, knowing the importance of water did all she could to entice me to drink water.  She spent thousands upon thousands of dollars of water filters to take the iron out of the water, not only for me but so that she didn't have to spend hours scrubbing orange bathtubs and toilets.  We have had several units installed from salted soft water units to magnetic reverse osmosis units. Currently I think they have an entire well house full of 7 or 8-6 foot tall units and the reverse osmosis units and other options (Kangen Filter and Berkey Filters).

In the process of trying to figure all of this out, someone in my family discovered the Berkey water filter company and I believe that my sister Maryann signed up so sell the units as a distributor  or something for a while.  Remember, I was a kid/teen through this process, and the world revolved around me, haha.  So, I'm sure that my family bought one to help me find the perfect water and not to support my sister... but that is beside the point.  When I tasted the water it was quite possibly the most glorious moment of my teenage years.  For the first time since we had moved to the country the water did not taste like blood...and for the first time in about 6 years I started drinking water again.  I seriously have no idea how I am still alive today.  For about 6 years, the only water that went into my body had to come entirely through my food.  Knowing what I know now about the importance of water...I should be dead; but again that is beside the point, I'm pretty sure I said this was going to be a "quick story."

Well, everyone in the family started talking about how cool these water filters were and how we would all need them one day, so I saved up my pennies and bought one for my future family, then stowed it away in my parents attic until that "blessed day" arrived.  Fast forward to today.  Have you ever tasted Arizona water?  Not fantastic...especially depending on your location and the age of your house, so without the filter I had purchased all those years ago, I could have fallen into my old water boycotting ways again.

Since everyone has been asking me about our filter and people are becoming severely interested in getting one for themselves, especially after tasting our delicious water, I have decided to put a link on my blog to it, so now I can just say "It's on my blog.  Go search it."  Haha, that is so fun to say.  Thanks for humoring me :-)  So...before I just post a link, I decided to do a little research on what I actually have.  Up until now, I just knew that it was "awesome" because my family thought it was awesome.  Boy was I wrong...It is INCREDIBLE!!!  Top of the market, biggest size, fastest filter "Crown Berkey".  I was thoroughly impressed with their website and the spunky little housewife who does their informative videos.  Amelia even watched them with me and cheered after each one ended and asked to watch another and another.  I think we found about 12 videos with the same fun lady.  I am SO PROUD to be the owner of a Crown Berkey water filter system and think I should go drink a big glass of water in celebration of my youthful decision to follow the peer pressure of my family all those years ago.

I sure wish I could get royalties off this, but I don't.  If you are interested in learning more about my super duper amazing water filter...follow this link: I highly, HIGHLY recommend it!

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